El "Simple Present Tense"
Simple Present Tense To begin with, what is the "Simple Present Tense"? It is a time used for talk about activities that are done daily or routines. This time requires keeping in mind some important rules that cause a change in the verb in third person singular in affirmative sentences. With that said, I present to you how these grammar rules work 1.- Nothing different is added to the personal pronouns "I", "You", "We", and "They" in the sentence. Example: 2.- To the personal pronouns "He", "She", and "It" the consonant "s" is added to the verbs of the sentence. Example: however, there is an exception in which if the verb ends in "y" it is changed to "ies" 3.- There is an exception that if the verb ends in "o", "s", "sh", "ch", "x" or "z" "is" must be added but only if the verb is used with t...